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Final Major Project: 3DS Max Custom UI Tool

Max Script Custom Facial Animation Tool

For my final major project at University, I chose to address the lengthy time needed to create believable facial animation. The project researched existing methods, tools, and software, concluding that the available processes had many disadvantages. For example, a method would be easy to use and fully automate the process, however, would have a high price point, making the tool inaccessible to the average user.

The issues were addressed in the project by scripting a custom tool for 3DS Max using Max Script, Max’s in-house scripting language. The script parses a file opened by the user, reading each line to generate key frames.

Max Script was not taught in university, so the project involved a lot of self-teaching. Learning the language has opened the door for me to be able to script my own custom tools in 3DS Max. I believe it has taught me the skills needed to pick up new languages through online independent learning.

To watch a demo video:

Character base model:

Character viseme shape keys:

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